Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Don't talk to me
Don't tell me it's the same god
Acting like you know what's up
Calling me an artist
An intellectual
Like it's a bad thing
Trying to dismiss my experience of the universe because it isn't "congruent"
With your Borg philosophy
Where everyone has to be the same
Act the same
Believe the same
When you and I both know better

Don't tell me it's the same god
Your god created hell
My god said do unto others
My god said be good to each other
Take care of the sick
Study the book and learn from it

Calling me an artist
An intellectual
Like it's a bad thing

Who do you think you are?
Go on, pray for me
Do it
But you'll never pray me out of hell
I've already been there

Have you?

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